Ignat’yeva, Alena Viktorovna, Concerning the question about the losses of the Ukrainian Cossacks of Ivan Mazepa duringa siege and assault of the Turkish fortress of Kazikermen in 1695

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Title of the article Concerning the question about the losses of the Ukrainian Cossacks of Ivan Mazepa duringa siege and assault of the Turkish fortress of Kazikermen in 1695
Authors Ignat’yeva, Alena Viktorovna
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2013 Issue 1 Pages 213-223
Type of article RAR Index UDK 94(477)+ 94(47).05 Index BBK 63.3(2)47
Abstract As the documents, containing the registers of armies of 17thcentury has saved onlyfragmentary, the study about quantity of troops and soldiery losses is one of the most difficult inthe military history. The point of view was so, that losses by the killed and wounded during thefirst Azov-Dnieper campaign in 1695 have been not known.An author on the basis of archival documents study the questions of history of medicine of theUkrainian Cossacks at the end of 17thcentury. Three tables are presented in the article, with theinformation about the losses of Cossacks: killed, wounded, fatally wounded and drowned, also thetypes of wounds are studied and from what weapon and where Cossacks were wounded or killed.These information can be used for the further analysis of actions of Cossacks and reconstructionof a siege and assault of the Turkish fortress Kazikermen.It will give the opportunity to suppose, where the regiments of hetman were located during thesiege, to educe on the most dangerous areas and role which was played by every separate regi-ment in a whole battle.
Keywords  History of the Ukraine, the first Azov-Dnieper campaign in 1695, siege of the fortressKazikermen, losses of the Ukrainian Cossacks
Full text version of the article Article language Russian
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Tags: Azov-Dnieper campaign in 1695, siege of the fortress Kazikermen, культурное наследие, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA