Raspopovic, Radoslav Milanovic. Possibilities to have t he Slavic Identity preserved and strengthened under the circumstances of the Slavic countries dissolution (on the example of Montenegro’s regained independence)

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Title of the article Possibilities to have the Slavic Identity preserved and strengthened under the circumstances of the Slavic countries dissolution (on the example of Montenegro’s regained independence)
Authors Raspopovic, Radoslav Milanovic — Doctor of Juridicial Science, a Science Advisor at the Historical Institute of Montenegro (IICG); Full Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences (FNP), Podgorica, Montenegro, rader888 @yahoo.com, Scopus ID 57201314858
Year 2017 Issue 2 Pages 77-84
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK
BBK Т3(4Ю)Т3(476); UDK 94(497.16)
Index BBK 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2017.206
It has been found that the end of the Cold War conflicts and the victory of liberal democracy and market economy models negatively affected the Slavic cultural identity values, through the process of the creating new nation states originating after the collapse of the USSR and the dissolution of both the former Soviet Empire in the Eastern Europe and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The new nation states, which originated at that time, were created on the principles contrary to their up-to-then historical traditions that had emerged from the Slavic cultural values-based elements. Besides, the attention has been given also to the globalization process consequences, previous advent of the global information technology revolution, i. e. the creation of new purported networked societies. Eventually, the foregoing processes outcome was that creating new nation states induced the change in their respective earlier internal systems of social values. Instead of the Eastern Orthodox and Slavic culture, the West became: «…the only true region to take as the model». The new states’ political efforts essence — specifically «joining Europe» and the drift from the Eastern Civilization values — has been illustrated by the example of Montenegro whose identity values had for centuries been unquestionably Slavic. Nevertheless, in the commenced EU integration and the NATO membership, while through the internal nation identity strengthening process as a way to drift from both the Serbian culture corpus and the Eastern Civilization, the said values started to gain the elements of modernity the development of which will inevitably be furthered by «joining Europe». Only time will tell to which extents Montenegro’s earlier Slavic identity and the Western Civilization value system will be preserved and accepted respectively.
Keywords identity, Cold War, Slavism, ethnos, nation state, Montenegro
Full text version of the article. Article language Rissian
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Tags: identity, Slavic Congress, Cold War, Slavism, ethnos, nation state, Montenegro, DISPUTATIO / DISCUSSION, RASPOPOVICH R.M.
